Are people happier in hot countries?

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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by OskiDz »

I think that people who live in hot countries are more happy than people who must fight with cold or rainy weather. The weather is very important for our frame of mind and we know that when the weather is good, we feel better and we are ready for action.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by justynasta »

In my opinion people from hot countries are happier because they regulary see the sun which brighten up their life and give them more power so they can do more profitable things. For example when in Poland there is winter I'm often down in the dumps and I feel under the weather and certainly I'm not happy.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by aladrelich »

In my opinion people who live in hot countries are happiee than people who live in col countries because the sun make them happy and more postive. People from cold countries have to deal with snow and baldy weather. So they are sad.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by natalianowak »

I think, that people, who live in hot countries are more carefree, than people who live in cold places. People who live in cold are salted and they seem more miserable. They have more problems like for example fight with cold or with sustenance. People in hot places are happier, because they have sun, which fosters positive emotions.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by OlaaMej »

I think YES. People are much happier in hot countries than for ex. in north Sweden where is cold. They don't have to worry about warm clothes, icy roads or blocked by snow schools. But sometimes they can have enough of high temperature but there is no person in the world who doesn't have enough of weather.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by wiktoriasz »

In my opinion a level of happiness don't depend on temperature which is in the country. A huge meaning have a tradition and life style. Equally inhabitants of Norway or Iceland can be happy in the same way in comparison to inhabitants of country like a Italy or Spain.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by alicpryl »

I'm not agree that people who live in cold countries seem more unhappy than people who live in much warmer.
I think that is a kind of stereotype. That's how we feel doesn't depend on the heat scale of the place where we live. If someone likes winter, snow and frost, he or she is happy but if someone likes sunny weather can be also happy like that person.
I love summer and winter so I'm happy all the time :)
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Lucywa »

I think that People in hot countries are sad because they have a lot of problems. These people are fighting with poverty and drought. Inhabitants of warm countries for example Africa don't have money for food. Their homes are ugly and destroyed. Live in this country is more difficult. :/
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by KubaKoi »

In my opinion people are happier in hot countries. I think they are happier because in hot countries where temperature is high you can do more things which you like to do. Of course in cold countries there are advantages, but I think less than hot countries. I live in Poland where weather can be different, but I prefer high temperature and sunny weather.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by NaKuzajewska »

I think that people who live in cold countries seem to be more miserable, because weather has a large affect on our frame of mind. In hot countries people are so happy, polite and open to new challenges, because they have constant access to the sun. And in a cold countries people are more unhappy and often get depressed.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by klamolga »

In my opinion people who lives in hot countries are happier than the rest of the world. I think that climate influence on fettle. When I lived in cold country I would have depression all year. From a scientific point of view this is really interesting how weather can change our humor.‏
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by agatawerecka »

People who lives in hot countries are happier. Winter is a very grim and depressing time of the year. While the summer is full of joy, fun and great experiences. Winter introduces many limitations. Summer offers many possibilities. I would like to live in a warm country. I am a person who prefers to use air conditioning than heating. (:
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by annmadej »

I love snow, but i also think that people which live in hot country are happier, winter is very hard part of year, cold and darkness are very depressing,a lot of people have problems and worse mood at winters time, so i definitely think that living in hot countries make people happier.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by kowalskidzik »

I think it's true. People who live in hot countries have more sunny days. It has a huge impact on well-being. If in my country it's sunny weather I have more energy I'm happier. But if it's cold, it's raining then I feel depressed. So I think, that people feel the same as me.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by dębskidzik »

I think people in hot conuntries are happier because people need sun , life-giving star. It' true citizens of Sweaden or Dennmark are more depressed. They don't have energy . For me one of the most important thing in life is fresh air and sunny weather so I am very happy that i live in Poland :d
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Adifanstal »

I think people aren't happier in hot country. For example I very like snow at winter and colours of trees in autumn. I think many people in Africa, which temparatures are always above 20-25 centy grades, aren't happier because of that.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by PowerEnglish »

It's much easier to relax in a climate with a comfortable temperature!

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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by MajaPu »

So, i think people who lives in hot countries are definitely happier. Why? Cause there is always high temperaure, it's great! I hate snow and everything related with winter, so- I'm sure, people like me- are happier;)
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by reindeer »

You can say that again. I agree with you completely - I also love snow and everything related with winter. It's great when snow crunches under your felt boots when you're walking down the street with a tin of beer in your hand. One thing you have to worry about, that your moustache didn't get covered with the solid crust of ice.
Another problem is: there are too much bears on streets. They become too daring and obtrusive this time of year! However, it's not a big problem - many citizens tame wild bears and put them on ration as guards. As guards, bears are much more reliable than dogs. To tell the truth, I wouldn't keep a bear in the yard, for it can easily eat all that move within its reach, that is cats, little dogs and kids with their senile nannies.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?


Does happiness depend on weather condition?
I think that people are poorer in hot countries. Just look at the statistics: hot countries are mainly found in the Southern part of the globe, developping/poorer countries are mainly found in the southern part of the globe, so people living in hot countreis are poorer. Now, the question is "does poverty mean sadness or unhappiness?
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Krisi »

I don't think so... because they have more outdoor activities so more time to chat, gossip and quarrel over small matters. And just ending up unproductive and divided and so more problems enter the picture.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by ritzkevin »

The ironic part is, people in colder countries complain about their weather. People in warmer countries would complain about their weather. Do you think switching places would make them happy?
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by fleance »

I agree to you. However, I doubt if that happiness will last. People are known as grumbler.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Krisi »

fleance wrote:I agree to you. However, I doubt if that happiness will last. People are known as grumbler.
Hi fleance. I don't exactly know what you mean. I know there are a lot of things that make us happy, like when we got the chance to eat our very favourite food. That makes us happy but if we eat the same food for a month of course we won't be as happy anymore. Another is wearing a beautiful clothes or say a signature outfit, of course it makes us happy and almost feel that we are dignified person but after sometime or wearing it often, the feeling wanes because we don't find it special anymore... so I think this is just natural. We feel this for ourselves... we feel this even if we are alone.
Our happiness will also depend on how mature we are and how we look at life per se. This type of happiness is of a higher level. If you are a family person your happiness will also involve your contributions to make each of you in the family successful... this is more on what the other members have achieved because of what you have contributed to make it happen. And also this happiness is in a way different, because you don't get it right away. It's a long term achievement and there is the ups and downs in life we have to face before we could feel this kind of happiness... and this I guess, is true wherever we are whether we are in hot or cold countries.
Now, my question is why do you look at the life of a grumbler in particular? I think this makes an individual too. There is a reason to this and if you happened to meet one try to know the main root or reason for behaving like that. Sometimes, if a person cannot find the right words to express oneself correctly they just grumble not because they are angry to another person maybe just angry to his or her ownself. Expressing our own thoughts correctly and accurately is another kind of happiness. :)
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Krisi »

ritzkevin wrote:The ironic part is, people in colder countries complain about their weather. People in warmer countries would complain about their weather. Do you think switching places would make them happy?
no, because that's human nature. Even this topic I think was created because the writer had noticed something unfavourable (for him) staying in cold country... :lol:
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by ritzkevin »

Just think of the benefits of having a cold country because there are some people out there who are dying to experience a cooler weather.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by TalaTashar »

No they are definitely not happier. The wether is unbearable, average day temperature is 33-35C and combine that with High humidtiy 50-100% makes you tired while you just walking. Anybody that say people happier in hot countries should try to live in Indonesia
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Krisi »

explore :roll:
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by zipzap »

I leave in cold country. Russia is really cold country sometimes, and I think that bad weather can make you a little unhappy. When you don't receive enough sun it's really hurt your emotion state, and even health state!

I think, there's truth to that especially if you are an active person. There are only a few in door activities.
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I disagree with the assumption that people are happier in warmer nations

Post by hellofriend »

I believe that is not true. For me I can still happy when is cold. For that, maybe people do not like the weather is cold, they are more like worm, they can wear nice shirt or whatever. But there has lot of people live in the cold weather city, which not means they are not happy all the time. Their live style maybe more batter that us. If you said people are more happy about the weather is sunny, I agree with that people will feel not happy if is raining outside. When the weather get cold and dark, people will have a physical reaction, that cause people feel not happy. So, in the end i disagree with that people live in cold countries seem more miserable than people live in hot climates.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by hellofriend »

In my oinion, people living in the cold area are more happier than those people who live in the hot area. Firstly, when t comes to snow, majority of the people feel happy and enjoyble because snow usually bring them happiness and relaxness. For example, children could get a chance for cancelling school and playing snowball with their friends. People who live in the hot area nearlly never get these kinds of opportunities. Secondly, we can do a lots of sports games with snow like curling and snowboard which is a great fun. By doing these activities, our body gets exercise and it is a good chance to make more friends when we play winter activities outside.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by LIAWZW »

Maybe people in cold countries need to heat up a lot
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by jlaus »

TalkingPoint wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:59 pm Why do people who live in very cold countries seem more miserable than people who live in hot climates?

miserable (adjective): very unhappy
climate (noun): the usual weather conditions in an area
I think yes the hot weather influence a little bit the moods, but not the solution to be more happier it's up to you at the end of the day.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by LaboneLabone »

I don't think they are happier, I think maybe suicide rates in cold countries are higher but I think it means they are miserable.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by RinaEsp »

Hi, I'm a new member here {-: My english is not good but I hope here I can improve it. In my point of view, as a person who was born in cold country (I'm from Belarus) and who live in a hot country for many years (actually I live in Spain now) the people from cold countries they more unhappy for a reason a fews sunny days that they have. Here in Spain we have more then 300 sunny days and it's so tipically to go to a bar with terrace to drink a beer or cafe, fore example. This is one of ways to have a a little bit relax. We have a beach, sea, ocean, mountains and this affects to have a good mood. In Belarus we have winter without many snow, but the days so grey and cold that the people have a little bit depression. We need to wear up many clothers it's so uncomfortable. We have rains in Autumn, many rains. So, in my opinion, this is one from reasons in which the people in sunny countries more happy.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by starwar »

as far as i know there is no correlation between temperature and happiness level. when you stated "miserable" I think you meant you biased view about the subject. Im from Canada and it sure is not hot up here ! but we are happy with who and where we are. :ok:
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by magdalenm »

Yeap, I'm happy. I have been living in the South African republic for 2 years now and I really love warmth. Yes, it can be extremely hot, but it's better than freezing
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Murazik »

i don't think so
As far as I was concerned Can't wait to see whatever movie they're filming in London right now.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by BrianStapleton »

ginny wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:29 am
TP wrote:Why do people who live in very cold countries seem more miserable than people who live in hot climates?
That's completely incorrect! Being happy or not does not depend on where you live. It just depends on yourself!
I want to agree with that but I've lived in vastly differently places and thought about this often. Happiness depends on how you're living. In some places you can only live certain ways. I know for my own happiness it would be best if I lived in Vietnam or Taiwan. Those two countries have all of the conditions I'm looking for.
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Re: Are people happier in hot countries?

Post by Mr Greg »

I have lived in both Scotland and Hong Kong, so have experienced the constant cold and hot weathers!

Personally, I feel a lot more active in hotter countries, so my morale is higher.
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