People in poor countries should have fewer children

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People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by TalkingPoint »

In order to reduce poverty people in poor countries should have fewer children

What do YOU think?

Read about Poverty
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by englishhelps »

I agree. But it's easier said than done.

Like here in the Philippines, families living in the slum areas usually have more than 5 kids. You can blame it on the fact that they're just at home. They have nothing else to do but procreate.

A population explosion is a major cause of poverty.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by kittyhoang »

TalkingPoint wrote:In order to reduce poverty people in poor countries should have fewer children

What do YOU think?
It is true.

In my country, in some poor places, the young people get marriage so early. Many couple have from 3 children up, their lives are so difficult. They have to work harder but there is not enough food for children. Morver, the children easily get sick . Their lives are so poor. There is no power, no television, not enough cloths too. The children sometime cannot go to school and get a good education. Then they will not get a good job. And they again get marriage earlier and again get a destitute lives.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by englishhelps »

It's a wicked cycle. A poor family will have more than 5 kids and their kids will live in poverty and have more than 5 kids of their own.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by kaitoukid »

I agree with that statement, but as englishhelps said, it's easier said than done.
As you know, people in the countryside often have to work on the farm and in some developing countries, this kind of work is very hard and it needs a lot of people to involve. So many families think that they must have more children and when they're grown up, they will help their parents to do this work. I think it's a common thought but it's a wrong opinion. Therefore, first of all, we should tell the people here the reason why they should have fewer children and explain that there are many well-paid jobs for their children to choose in the future, so they don't have to follow in their parents' steps. The second reason that makes the people here do not accept that statement is that their life is too poor, and you know poverty can make people do anything to continue their life. Because of that, I think we should have more charity plan to help them.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Player »

englishhelps wrote:It's a wicked cycle. A poor family will have more than 5 kids and their kids will live in poverty and have more than 5 kids of their own.
That is a good example of a vicious cycle :-P
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by englishhelps »

Yup. That's why it's hard to solve. Poverty is a cause of overpopulation and at the same time, overpopulation is a cause of poverty. So you have to solve those two problems at the same time.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by halfknot »

Of course the fewer we are, the more money / person we have. It's an advantage for both sides: the parents have more money, the children won't have poor lifes. But however, most of us want children even if we can't offer good conditions.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by englishhelps »

If only we can surely pass on moneymaking genes. Then we can request Bill Gates to have 20 kids so we'll have 20 Bill Gates who can make all those money. I'm joking of course. :)
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Josef Essberger »

halfknot wrote:Of course the fewer we are, the more money per person we have. It's an advantage for both sides: the parents have more money, the children won't have poor lives. But however, most of us want children even if we can't offer good conditions.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Vega »

You can solve a problem of poverty by reducing number of newly born children. But this will turn out into another problem for a country, such as a demographic crisis. That means a serious menace for a nation to be invaded by other rich nations. I think in order to reduce poverty a government should somehow help people, propose some social programmes.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by englishhelps »

A country should actively push for safe sex. It was started here in the Philippines a few years ago. Health centers were giving out free condoms to slum areas. There were also infomercials actively suggesting that we engage safe sex and use contraceptives. But the Catholic Church wasn't supportive of the idea because they're against the use of contraceptives.

Now I think the Philippines is around 80 million in population. That's a lot for a small country.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by SNAZZY »

The best example we can have to understand whether people in poor countries should have fewer children is: A FAMILY. A family is a smallest version of a country. Imagine a man getting married to a woman. Now it becomes a family. Imagine again that he's the bread-winner of the two. His income will be shared by two to run the family.Later this man & woman will have a child.It means, then onwards his income should be shared by three.From here onwards you can imagine what will happen to that man every time he gets another child.His income can not increase drastically every time he gets a new child. Unless he's a successfull business man. Even he should think twice because nothing is guaranteed. Here a FAMILY or the BREAD-WINNER is compared to a COUNTRY.What will happen to that man whenever he gets a new child. Similarly what will happen to that country each time a new one is arrived. It will affect the per capita income . So every bread-winner should think how many children should he/ she have because this not only decides the fate his/her family but also the fate his/her country too. Every poor country should understand why it has remained poor. Her people should understand that you need to have two important things to stay away from the poverty: a)Education b) Job or Work. If people of those poor nations have these two things then they will stop producing children unnecessarily because either they'll be busy in studying or busy in their works. There is no room for idle devil's mind.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by doxology »

Yes, ofcourse

Strongly, I agree with this point , I always discuss it with my frinds
how a poor family have 8 or 7 children , it is a kind of a careless , how to feed , educate them. A child in these families suffer from several problems, he cant take his right of education, love.

sadly, almost of the poor families have alot of children, I dont Know what is the secret behind this. Is it a fate or tendency for them to have such a number of children.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by lyphan »

It clear that this opinion be true. Children need not only food for existing but also everything for development.
In the poor countries, children have to work hard to earn a living, no education, no entertainment...A question is why in these countries, a family has so many children while it cannot afford its children to develop. In my opinion, the main reason is the low level of people's cultural standard.
In the poor countries like Vietnam, people have a conception of sexual discrimination. People believe that men are better than women, so couples try to give birth to a baby again and again until they have a male child. Moreover, because of the low level of people's cultural standard, they don't have methods of contraception. After giving birth to a baby, couple have sex, and don't use methods of contraception, and then give birth to a baby, over and over. Their lives become a cycle that children have not enough conditions to develop, and then get married youthfully, and do the same as their parents.
So, what we, the rich countries, the world need to do is help the people in the poor countries develop their conception, their life standard.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by FOREVER »

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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by rakyung »

Actually, the question makes me sad. Poor countries people have right to born their child. But the sole reason they don't have enough money to rise children, it can't be.
I think it's a kind of crime. The solution is that their goverment must to supply each domestic. I hope to overcome this sad situation as soon as they possibly can.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by coolg »

I totally agree with this topic. Especially, for families with low living standards , it is among the first way to succed their children. For the rich ones, they can have many children because their futures are more or less assured, mainly for those with housewife.
But whatever the situation is, having many children can reduce the ability of parents to work correctly and to get opportunities for many activities, especially for women.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by cruimel »

I think people in poor countries understand well that is better to have fewer children, but what could they do, if they don't have any contraceptions and the government or church doesn't help Many of women even do illegal abortions..., but I think you have to blame the government, not poor people
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by manal »

hi all,
government may have the solution but can we obligt it to do so?
so, i think , the correct way for reducing poverty is through limiting the number of the children so that poor people can give the rights to their children in a satisfied way.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by ArnauEstanyol »

Limit the number of children? Yes. Of course, because it's almost traditional or cultural: in poor countries the large families are normal. But are the large families the cause of the poorness? I think not. At least not the main cause. I think that the main cause of poorness was the savage colonialism and the following dictatorial governments.
European colonialist countries took out raw materials, using as cheap labour to the inhabitants of those countries or directly slavery. Later came the dictatorial governments that causally they enriched the domes of their governors and condemn their people to poverty.
One of the principally wish of these dictators is maintain the ignorance of people to get all the wealth possible including the religious fanaticism.
One example of this is Egypt and Mubarak. This person is one of the richest men of the world while Egyptians are swimming in the poorness. Or the Libyan dictator Gadafi who has properties all over the world.
There are other kind of poor countries as for example countries without natural resources or raw materials. This is another theme.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by adin »

Totally disagree. It is against the human rights.
Let them decide how many they think they could afford the children. Education must be priority in these countries. It is the government's jobs.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by sweethuman »

Well as we all know that everyone loves children and no one wants to spend life without children or family so it cant be baned. Having more children is not a problem if you can give them good education and steerage. On the other side, nowadays are people are seeing the results everyone prefers to have fewer children whether rich countries or poor countries because their education and growth is really a big responsibility. Just bringing kids to world without fulfilling your responsibilities being the parents is harmful both for the parents and the world.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by nicbase »

In my piont of view in order to reduce poverty people in poor countries should have fewer children. They should , but it is difficult to plan amount of offspring because people who live in poverty don't have a clue about a contraception, so it;'s hard to have fewer children. I want to add that providing children adequate conditions for instance good education, foood , clothes, and help is expensive so poor people can't do it. It's easier to hold one child than more children. In this situation people spend less money and at the same time work and make money, so they become richer. In fact the brithrate is lower , but it's not a problem , because of overpopulation.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Krisi »

TalkingPoint wrote:In order to reduce poverty people in poor countries should have fewer children

What do YOU think?
I have not read the topic yet, but because I find this catchy let me share my personal opinion about this first. :-)

I think solving the employment problem is the only best solution. Creating more jobs is the best solution to having a lot of children too.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Adifanstal »

I think ib teh most part of cases - answer is yes. I have heard many examples of African families with eight or more children, but they are very very poor. I think it's a option to reduce poority in second world countries
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by natalianowak »

I suppose, that this way would reduce poverty in poor countries. Big family associate with big cost. And when family is smaller, maintenance easier. For example in Africa we see many big family, and we also see huge poverty on the continent. But on the other hand we shouldn't prohibit to have children, because decision connects with children is individual business.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by OlaaMej »

People in poor countries are a lot of kids to get money for each of them and they still are not able to provide them with living conditions. On the other hand, if they had fewer children or none at all , the population in these countries would go down significantly . It's really difficult to make a decision without violating human rights or allowing not guilty children to live in poverty. :(
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by annmadej »

i think that this could stop the poverty in poor countries because in poor countries level of demographic growth is very high, and people there don't have possibility to provide good life level for children and all nations.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by klamolga »

It depends from the situation. Children may provide a cheap source of workforce what helps in developing countries. Sometimes eliminating poverty.‏
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by aladrelich »

I thinkt that this would reduce poverty. But this problem will be still. but on the other hand if people in poor country don't have children it could be disaster for country, because there could be a low birth rate. But big family is albo problem 'cause sometime parents don't have money to feed their kids and they die.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by alicpryl »

In my opinion it is true. One of the biggest reasons of poverty is to many children. Lots of parents don't have money and they aren't able to maintain their children. This is also very difficult subject because in some countries having many children is a tradition. In such situation people don't worry about money because tradition is more important.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by OskiDz »

I think that people in poorer countries should have fewer children, but this is not always possible because residents are not well educated. On the other hand, I think that everyone should have as many children as he wants but the state should help fund families that can not handle
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by KubaKoi »

I think that should help poor countires to reduce poverty. Mostly in Africa, families are so poor and they still have big number of children and that doesn't look good for them. They should have fewer children to improve their live standards. But they still should have one or two children because having a birth rate below zero isn't good for country.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by justynasta »

I think that people in poor country should have fewer children. Probably it would decrease the level of poverty. But on the other hand every person has the same rights so people have right to choose how many children they want to have and we can't prohibit them it.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by itspaulina »

No, I think we can't force anyone to have fewer children. It's an individual thing. I know that difference between birth rate in poor and industrialized countries is huge but we only can help poorer people without any bans or imperatives.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by kruwik »

I completely agree with this sentence. All right, somebody wants to have a lot of children, but if this country is poorer than another and living standards are so low, it is better to have a fewer children, which means fewer expanditures.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Lucywa »

In my opinion people should have children as much as they want. Sometimes when family is poor this statement is the best because a lot of children can make that family don't have money to buy for example clothes or food and poverty increases. :-(
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by agatawerecka »

I'm not sure. They should have as many children as they can keep a good standard of living. Poor people should not have many children, im 100% sure.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by wiktoriasz »

People shouldn't have a law to forbide someone to decide about someone's life but in addition to this topic I think that people in poor countries should be more responsible when they plan their families. They know that they have a less chance to bring up children in adequate conditions so they should reduce a number of kids for their comfort and mainly for kids.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by NaKuzajewska »

I think that we can't require people in poor country to have fewer children. Every person has right to own choice. So we should find different way to decrease the level of poverty.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Basharuae »

There is NO link between poverty and children.
Japan has a population of nearly 127 Million, while Senegal has 15 million for instance.

Poverty links to the poor education and resources management for example and so many others, but not children for sure.

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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Krisi »

solve the employment problem first so that people will be busy. :mrgreen:
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by TomTom »

I agree, it is unpopular to say so these days, but it is true and the truth is often to hard for people to face. much easier to blame the rich for all your problems!
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by ritzkevin »

I agree on the topic but poor people usually don't have jobs. They are bored and they make babies instead to keep them from getting bored.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by scarletkleen »

Well, overpopulation has hardly anything to do with the poverty. If a man or a woman does nothing except making children, of course they are going to be poor. They should not wait for the government to help them out. They should take the matter into their own hands and do something rather than complain about their wives, lives and government. Of course, I'm not say government shouldn't do anything - it should - but if it isn't, why not help it do something. Also, check the stats below - these will prove my point:

Germany - Area: 137,983 mi² - Population: 80.62 million - GDP per capita 46,268.64 USD
Japan - Area: 145,936 mi² - Population: 127.3 million - GDP per capita 38,633.71 USD
South Korea - Area: 38,691 mi² - Population: 50.22 million - GDP per capita 25,976.95 USD
Philippines -Area: 115,831 mi² - Population: 98.39 million - GDP per capita 2,765.08 USD
Malawi - Area: 45,747 mi² - Population: 16.36 million - GDP per capita: 226.46 USD
India - Area: 1.269 million mi² - Population: 1.252 billion - GDP per capita: 1,498.87 USD
China - Area: 3.705 million mi² - Population: 1.357 billion - GDP per capita: 6,807.43 USD

Germany, Japan and Philippines are more or less similar in land mass and population but when you take a look at GDP per capita, you'll definitely see a difference. Or when you compare South Korea to Malawi (which is the poorest country in the world), you'll see that population in South Korea is much more higher than in Malawi but land mass is lesser; still GDP per capita there is much higher. So basically poverty depends on whether or not a country is economical stable and for that both government and citizens should work hand in hand and the former should not turn a blind eye and the latter not sit around waiting for something to happen. And that is proven by the comparison of India and China.Though China has a long way to go and corruption is still present, more business are choosing to open a plant there (mostly because of cheap labor there). Still we can see how GDP per capita is rising and most probably it's due to all those business which are partially helping the country and its citizens.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by Padma »

Yes, absolutely correct. Poor people should have fewer children as they can't afford all the requirement of every child in the family which will led to a huge problems also. Most of the time such situation give birth to many social problems like poverty ,unemployment, they also get deprived of proper education and many more. They also can't cope up with the environment or latest scenario . So it ultimately affect both the Economic condition of nation as well as family.
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Re: People in poor countries should have fewer children

Post by alphabeta »

Bill Gates is seeing to that by putting HCG into tetanus vaccines without telling anyone.
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