EnglishClub is 15

EnglishClub 15th Anniversary : 1997-2012This year, 2012, sees EnglishClub’s 15th anniversary. With support and encouragement from members and visitors worldwide, EnglishClub has matured into one of the longest standing, most dependable resource sites for English learners and teachers on the web. Since our 10th anniversary on 07/07/07, we’ve added the very popular My.EnglishClub social network hosting our members’ pages, blogs, photos, videos, music, discussions and chat; and it’s been exciting to see the highly original and interactive content created by learners and teachers. We’ve also produced the Learning English Video Project, a major 7-part video series about English learners on five continents. We continue to innovate and add new content from lessons and quizzes to tips and games, and are committed to providing answers and ideas for everyone who comes to search our pages. One member recently summed up the EnglishClub experience with these kind words: “I can no longer differentiate between learning and having fun. Something that I can hardly find elsewhere!” EnglishClub has surpassed the original vision, and we have you to thank. How would you like to see EnglishClub evolve in the next five years?


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