7 Teens

Posted by: Josef Essberger
When is a teenager not a teenager?

What’s a “teen”, or a “teenager”? People sometimes talk about teenagers when they really mean “young people”. For example, you might read: “This is a club for teenagers from 12 to 16.”

Time to get accurate. Someone who is twelve years old is not a teenager. Someone who is thirTEEN years old *is* a teenager.

How old is a teenager? A TEENager is:

13 thirTEEN
14 fourTEEN
15 fifTEEN
16 sixTEEN
17 sevenTEEN
18 eighTEEN
19 nineTEEN

Note the following:

  • They are in their teens. (= They are aged 13 to 19.)
  • They are in their late teens. (eg They are aged 17 to 19.)
    – early teens
    – mid teens
  • a teen idol (an idol for teenagers)
  • a teenybopper – a young teenager (especially girl), who follows the latest fashions in music and clothes

Learn more about the vocabulary of numbers.

Posted by Josef Essberger May 2023
Josef founded EnglishClub for learners and teachers of English in 1997

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