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Time for a break!

Post by Taravat »

Hi the silence seekers

It's Friday. What a perfect day! I suspect Friday is the most favorite weekday among my beloved fellow citizens. We work hard the entire week and get some rest on Friday. It's a good thing to breathe a sigh of relief after a tough week. Poor people who have to work on Fridays.

" Those who work on Fridays don't understand the real joy of life."
A saying allegedly by Taravat the great. :-|

OK...I'm here to post an image. Have a lot on my plate at the time... Will discuss it later by the will of Allah. Have fun on your Friday!

:arrow: :idea: :arrow: :idea: :!: :idea: :?: :idea: :!: :idea: :arrow: :idea: :arrow: :idea: :!: :arrow:
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Happy World Breastfeeding Week!

Post by Taravat »

World Breastfeeding Week 2019 began on Thursday-Mordad 10- and ends on
Wednesday-Mordad 16. Happy this occasion to all breastfeeding mums. Mums are wonderful and we owe them more than just breastfeeding us.


In Iran, the rate of breastfed kids is higher than in many developed countries. It’s good news. It’s said that breastfed kids will make stronger and more intelligent adults. Therefore, we need to raise public awareness in this regard and have more and more breastfed babies

I like occasions and I like celebrating occasions, particularly such concepts that have a direct impact on public health. So, a group of colleagues and I opened a fair in our workplace in which breastfeeding mothers can get free counseling services in this regard. Also, we encouraged small kids to do painting and thank their lovely mums this way.

How else do we raise public awareness on this topic?
Thank you!
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Mr- and Ms- know-alls!

Post by Taravat »

Hi everybody

I was off today- a quite refreshing day away from my workplace after a few months of hard work!
Look...I'm a simple person who becomes pleased with simple things! ;)
Taravat wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:03 am Image
:arrow: :idea: :arrow: :idea: :!: :idea: :?: :idea: :!: :idea: :arrow: :idea: :arrow: :idea: :!: :arrow:
Well...I posted this image a few days ago but I didn't have time to elaborate on it. So, today is the day. I'm gonna write a lil bit about this image.
I used to be interested in psychology and used to buy and read many psychology books. I have a library with many different psychology books.
I'm here to confess that I'm not interested in these types of books anymore. I'd rather read a cookbook than a psychology book. But why is that?
I don't want to offend psychologists, but it's a personal idea. I changed my mind about psychology after I met a friend who was a psychologist-or a so-called one. You know how it feels like to have such a friend? It’s like you are a small kid that needs their support in every aspect of life- even the most trivial or the simplest affairs. It’s like they are Mr- and Ms-know- all. Some psychologist dare to give you advice even if you don’t want. As to psychology books, they are like cookbooks that give you a single recipe-Oh…sorry…instructions- for different situations. They think humans are so simple-Like open books that can be read easily. They try to read humans, not knowing humans are so complex and illegible. I’m not generalizing my personal idea to all psychologists. I’m just talking about my opinion.
By the way, ever had a friend who was a psychologist?
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Just felt like thanking my readers!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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How to keep our kids entertained and quiet?!?

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How to keep our kids entertained and quiet?!?

This is one of those frequently asked questions by most parents. Origami or the art of paper folding could be a solution.
I took some scrap pieces of paper and visited a web to learn how to make a bunny origami.

This is how I was instructed!

This is how it turned out!

Pretty close to the original one, huh? :-|
Give it a try. I bet you will love it more than your kids do in the end.
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To whom it may concern!

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First Law of Thermodynamics; Energy Conversion.

Post by Taravat »

Ever noticed we feel more tired on weekends than on weekdays oftentimes? Why is that?

I was thinking about this topic and came up with some premises. Here my rationales go:

Although I was not good at physics in high school, :roll: I wanna make a connection between biology and physics to elaborate on this topic. Hope physicists and biologists will excuse me and not become angry.

As the Energy Conversion Law is concerned, Energy can neither be destroyed nor be created, but it transforms into other forms of energy. In the human body, the energy we consume to do the jobs converts to other forms of energy such as heat and useful work. We usually do less job on weekends and try to get some rest, and in some cases including me, oversleep. Therefore, we don’t consume much energy. Consequently, our body stores extra energy in the form of fat. In other words, the less energy our body consumes, the less energy conversion. Right? That's probably why we feel refreshed after a workout or an exercise than a boring weekend on which we just get relaxed.

Besides, being active and doing exercise is thought to be connected with some hormonal secretions-i.e. Endorphin, Serotonin, etc- as well. In addition, the sense of self-confidence we experience after we get a job or exercise done lifts our spirits and makes us feel a lot better.

Another explanation of mine is linked to the biological clock. You know, sleep cycle and physical activities in every human are personal and unique. Some people are night owls and some others are early birds and they all are used to their own sleep cycles.
Any interruption in our biological clock leads to exhaustion, tiredness, and fatigue. On weekends, we have more spare hours to oversleep and that interrupts our biological clock. Therefore, we feel more tired and bored on the weekends, particularly the ones on which we oversleep and do less useful work.

Some other factors are also involved in feeling tired on weekends including, depression, stressful work environment, and whatnot.

Thanks for reading. Stay fine everybody.
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Happy Eid-al-Adha!

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Happy Eid-al-Adha to all my Muslim brothers and sisters around the world. In Persian, we call this holiday " Eid-e-Qurban". Eid-e-Qurban refers to the story of Ibrahim (PBUH), one of the prophets of Allah who underwent a BIG test. In fact, he was challenged to sacrifice his son as proof of his obedience towards Allah. He intended to do so and almost did. By the will of Allah, however, his son survived. Therefore, he could pass the test in the end. Muslims around the world sacrifice sheep to commemorate that day annually.

What's the moral of this commemoration? What do we sacrifice to show our obedience to Allah? Let's contemplate about it.

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The road less traveled!

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Today, I felt under the weather in the early morning and had this inner conflict whether to go to work or not! Finally, I decided to take a day off even though I've had a lot on my plate! I feel a lot better now. THANK GOD! We humans take everything for granted until we lose them!

I learned a new idiom. That is " To take the road less traveled." Something like "To swim against the stream." Ever heard of that? Are you the type of people who take the risk and take the road less traveled? I'll write about it later!


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Happy Eid-e-Ghadir.

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Happy Eid-e-Ghadir to all Shia Muslims around the world.
Eid-e-Ghadir is a significant occasion in which we Shia Muslims commemorate the event of Ghadir Khum. In this event, our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), in the vicinity of a pond called Ghadir-e-Khom, made an announcement in which Imam Ali (PBUH) was announced as his successor by him.
All around my country and the world, Shia Muslims celebrate this occasion to show their eternal love and long-lasting respect towards this supreme Imam.

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The path less traveled (Cont'd).

Post by Taravat »


In one of my previous blogs, I wrote about the idiom “To take the path less traveled” and promised to discuss it later. Here I am to do that.

Before I explain this idiom, however, I would like to write about a coincidence. One of my hobbies is watching cartoons. Not only do cartoons awaken my inner child, but also they help me boost my English skills. Anyhow, I watched a cartoon from one of my most favorite movie companies-Walt Disney- a couple of days ago. The cartoon is named Zootopia, and its plot has some connection with this topic. Odd, huh?

I recommend that everybody with a living inner child watch and enjoy this as I did.

The story is about a female bunny whose dream is to become a police officer and to make the world a better place. Since no bunny has ever been a police officer, she is gonna run into lots of hassles and difficulties, and she does. In the end, she succeeds to finish a tough mission with the help of a fox.

I found some commonalities in myself and this bunny. One of these commonalities is the urge to go to new places, meet new people, and do new things. I find pleasure in doing new things, or in other words, taking the path less traveled. In contrary, I dislike doing repetitive and routine jobs. That’s probably why I get bored easily with a routine life or job.

Though, we should accept the fact that taking the less-traveled paths has its difficulties too. Only a minority group of people take the risk to step out of their comfort zone in order to face the magic and miracle of life.

Reminded me of a verse from the Bible:
Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (ESV)

Have a WONDERFUL weekend.
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I'm not a quitter.

Post by Taravat »

Hi my lovely and lively readers

This is just to announce that I'm still alive and kicking. I've been BUSY a couple of days ago and will presumably be busier in the coming months. Though, these excuses won't prevent me from writing and blogging here. As in my most favorite animation called "The peanuts movie", where my favorite character, Charli Brown, says, " I'm not a QUITTER."


We should bear in mind that life might get tough sometimes; it won't be this way forever though. Life is the story of ups and downs. All these ups and downs spice it up. Otherwise, we would complain about boredom. Every day we wake up, we should thank God for giving us another chance of living. Isn't it amazing? Now that we are gifted with this chance, we should make it a better one. We can make it even funnier by doing new things every day so that we won't be bored and complaining. Like what? It depends on you and your taste. You can read a book that opens up new doors to you and make you feel you are taking steps in a quite different world. You can visit a new place, watch a cartoon, learn a new language, or even play with a small kid, forgetting all about what adults might think of you. D:


I've noticed that happiness isn't too far away from us. We might make it complex, but it could be as simple as, say, watering a flower. It could be as simple as stopping to worry about how people perceive us.
Achieving happiness could be so simple. The thing is that we humans make it more complex most of the time.
In the end, I would like to share a poem with my Persian-speaking friends by Molana:
هر لحظه که تسلیمم در کارگه تقدیر
آرامتر از آهو بی باک تر از شیرم
هر لحظه که می کوشم در کار کنم تدبیر
رنج از پی رنج آید زنجیر پی زنجیر
Take it easy and stay happy and fine.


P.S. I like sunflower fields, and I believe sunflowers are the most lively and beautiful flowers in the world. They are always seeking the sun in order to reach their ultimate beauty, growth, and fruitfulness. Isn't it amazing?
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Post by Taravat »

Muharram isn't merely a simple event or month. Muharram is a significant lesson of thoughts and values. Hope everobody takes it as a lesson in their muornings.

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Taravat has received a permaban!

Post by Mehdiii »

It's a couple of days since Taravat last submitted a blog. You might be wondering why she kept silent.
As far as I know, she tried to log in here and make a new entry a few days ago. But to her surprise, her IP address was banned permanently and she couldnt post or reply on this platform anymore. :-( Too upsetting, huh?
She was terribly upset because she didnt even know why she had received a permaban. She has sent an e-mail to the moderator but hasnt get a reply yet. Though, she is awaiting a reply.

Lets hope she will be back soon.
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We are unkind to ourselves.

Post by Mehdiii »

Kindness is sweet. Kind people give us happiness, confidence, security, closeness, and many different positive vibes. Nowadays, most of us are too obsessed with our affairs and chores, so that we forget we are social creatures and living in groups. We usually don’t care about ourselves and loved ones let alone the people whom we are dealing with. In other words, we are unkind to ourselves too, and this is one of the key reasons for our problems and hassles.

Let's face it...When was the last time we appreciated ourselves for a good job, mark, accomplishment, and whatnot? Do we ever buy ourselves a gift on different occasions? Have we ever given ourselves a pat on our back? What do we usually say to ourselves looking in the mirror? Do we look in the mirror at all?

I asked these questions from some of my friends and most answers were “NO”. It’s disappointing, right? But it's not surprising, I believe. My questions made some of them stop and think. Another friend said that we should be more kind to others than ourselves. A friend cried; And one of my friends made this honest confession, ‘” Not only haven’t I been unkind, but I have also been cruel to myself since my childhood.” And she explained how these cruelties stopped her progressing in her life and work.

Yes…We don’t have to put ourselves last when it comes to receiving kindness. Please don’t get me wrong. It’s quite different from being self-centered, narcissist, or selfish. If we aren’t kind to ourselves, we won’t be kind to others too. A friend of mine is a perfectionist and a strict mum. Her son called her “Bad-tempered” someday, and she was too upset and offended. It doesn’t mean she is a cruel mum. It means that she is strict to herself too.

I myself wanna make a confession here. I’m a perfectionist too, and I expect everyone around me to be like this. Now that I’m aware of this characteristic of mine, I’m trying to change. We are living in a world full of imperfections. Nobody is perfect in this world. We, humans, are fallible and we all deserve a second chance when we make a mistake. Let's be kind to ourselves and make people around us feel comfortable, secure, happy, and confident

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote:
When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.
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Re: Places filled with true peace.

Post by Mohsen »

Taravat wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2019 3:57 pm I visited a holy shrine last night and I felt like writing a post in this regard.

We are told that mosques and holy shrines are built for us to worship Allah there. I believe it doesn’t end right there. These places are there to reunite us with our lost inner peace, and on top of that, to connect us to the superpower “Allah”. Allah doesn’t need our worship but we need Him in every aspect of our lives.

I haven’t visited temples, churches, and mosques in any other country, but I believe our mosques are quite unique. You might ask unique in what terms?

Well…You just need to visit Islamic mosques to truly understand my claim. The marvelous and extraordinary architectures of our mosques are meant to create a spiritual atmosphere that uplifts souls and spirits. Great mixture of soothing colors of small tiles that are placed next to another tactfully, the composition of small pieces of mirrors, and the reflection of light in these pieces of mirrors add to the peace and tranquility of such places. When you visit these places, you feel you are embraced with tranquility and you don’t want to quit.

Islamic mosques are great symbols of our extraordinary architecture built by our expert architects whom they should be bragged and showed off. We should visit these places oftentimes to find ourselves there.

http://up44.ir/previews/ea22cc924f4b3b7 ... 8164fd.png

Thanks for reading!
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Isfahan beautiful mosque

Post by Mohsen »

Hello ,
I read you post about holy shrines and mosque , We have many of beautiful mosques in Isfahan , visited by hundreds of tourists.
Kind Regards
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Hello ,
I read you post about holy shrines and mosque , We have many of beautiful mosques in Isfahan , visited by hundreds of tourists.
Kind Regards
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Re: We are unkind to ourselves.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:39 pm Kindness is sweet. Kind people give us happiness, confidence, security, closeness, and many different positive vibes. Nowadays, most of us are too obsessed with our affairs and chores, so that we forget we are social creatures and living in groups. We usually don’t care about ourselves and loved ones let alone the people whom we are dealing with. In other words, we are unkind to ourselves too, and this is one of the key reasons for our problems and hassles.

Let's face it...When was the last time we appreciated ourselves for a good job, mark, accomplishment, and whatnot? Do we ever buy ourselves a gift on different occasions? Have we ever given ourselves a pat on our back? What do we usually say to ourselves looking in the mirror? Do we look in the mirror at all?

I asked these questions from some of my friends and most answers were “NO”. It’s disappointing, right? But it's not surprising, I believe. My questions made some of them stop and think. Another friend said that we should be more kind to others than ourselves. A friend cried; And one of my friends made this honest confession, ‘” Not only haven’t I been unkind, but I have also been cruel to myself since my childhood.” And she explained how these cruelties stopped her progressing in her life and work.

Yes…We don’t have to put ourselves last when it comes to receiving kindness. Please don’t get me wrong. It’s quite different from being self-centered, narcissist, or selfish. If we aren’t kind to ourselves, we won’t be kind to others too. A friend of mine is a perfectionist and a strict mum. Her son called her “Bad-tempered” someday, and she was too upset and offended. It doesn’t mean she is a cruel mum. It means that she is strict to herself too.

I myself wanna make a confession here. I’m a perfectionist too, and I expect everyone around me to be like this. Now that I’m aware of this characteristic of mine, I’m trying to change. We are living in a world full of imperfections. Nobody is perfect in this world. We, humans, are fallible and we all deserve a second chance when we make a mistake. Let's be kind to ourselves and make people around us feel comfortable, secure, happy, and confident

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote:
When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.
I was supposed that you yourself wrote this article ,I said excellent to you ,what an important person is Mahdi, but at the end I saw it was Wayne dyer narration :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

If the people who are responsible for making a difference in history ,they themselves follow the standards of their age,
.......there will not happen anymore change in history

Seyed Morteza Avini
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Re: Taravat has received a permaban!

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2019 10:32 am Hi
It's a couple of days since Taravat last submitted a blog. You might be wondering why she kept silent.
As far as I know, she tried to log in here and make a new entry a few days ago. But to her surprise, her IP address was banned permanently and she couldnt post or reply on this platform anymore. :-( Too upsetting, huh?
She was terribly upset because she didnt even know why she had received a permaban. She has sent an e-mail to the moderator but hasnt get a reply yet. Though, she is awaiting a reply.

Lets hope she will be back soon.

Maybe she was fighting against ISIS , so Trump added her name in the list of Iranian sanction , so the admin had to ban her and doesn't let her to write here any more. any other reason?
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Re: Taravat has received a permaban!

Post by Mehdiii »

Mohsen wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:32 am

Maybe she was fighting against ISIS , so Trump added her name in the list of Iranian sanction , so the admin had to ban her and doesn't let her to write here any more. any other reason?
Fighting against WHAT? Who is this Trump you are talking about? Anyhow, his name reminds me of Trumpet. Do you see any connection between these two concepts?
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Re: Taravat has received a permaban!

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:33 pm
Mohsen wrote: Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:32 am

Maybe she was fighting against ISIS , so Trump added her name in the list of Iranian sanction , so the admin had to ban her and doesn't let her to write here any more. any other reason?
Fighting against WHAT? Who is this Trump you are talking about? Anyhow, his name reminds me of Trumpet. Do you see any connection between these two concepts?
why you don't answer my email , I will tell you who is Trumpet.
My email is : *******.con
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mehdiii »

Sorry...I dont get why I would e-mail you. Besides, Im not into politics.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:47 pm Sorry...I dont get why I would e-mail you. Besides, Im not into politics.
Hey man , can you do me a favor and send the email of Taravat .
Don't worry ,you can stay far from politic , the fire of politic is fatal, we need you to be alive for hundred years :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Iran become the champion of 2019 Volleyball

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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mehdiii »

Mohsen wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:35 pm Hey man , can you do me a favor and send the email of Taravat .
Don't worry ,you can stay far from politic , the fire of politic is fatal, we need you to be alive for hundred years :lol: :lol: :lol:
Taravat wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:03 am This is a public place and I can't tell much about my personal life.
Sorry if I disappoint you, BUT I can't help you much. By the way, politics is a game. I'm neither a kid nor a gamer.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:50 pm
Mohsen wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:35 pm Hey man , can you do me a favor and send the email of Taravat .
Don't worry ,you can stay far from politic , the fire of politic is fatal, we need you to be alive for hundred years :lol: :lol: :lol:
Taravat wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:03 am This is a public place and I can't tell much about my personal life.
Sorry if I disappoint you, BUT I can't help you much. By the way, politics is a game. I'm neither a kid nor a gamer.

no one can disappoint me , because I never rely on people :lol: :lol: :lol:, for many people the life is a game ,let alone politics , did I ask you your idea about politics? I had many discussion with many university lecturers , philosophers , doctors about politics . you are neither a kid nor a gamer , so you should be an English learner :lol: :lol:

anyway I am admin in many English groups , you can find in following group easily
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mehdiii »

Mohsen wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:32 pm
you are neither a kid nor a gamer , so you should be an English learner :lol: :lol:
anyway I am admin in many English groups , you can find in following group easily
I didnt mean to disappoint you literally. Its just an act of courtesy used by English speakers when they turn somebody down.
By the way, you could be a poet too.
Nice to meet you admin.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:43 pm
Mohsen wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:32 pm
you are neither a kid nor a gamer , so you should be an English learner :lol: :lol:
anyway I am admin in many English groups , you can find in following group easily
I didnt mean to disappoint you literally. Its just an act of courtesy used by English speakers when they turn somebody down.
By the way, you could be a poet too.
Nice to meet you admin.
What did you say ,no body can disappoint me literally or illiterally ..Oftad .
Where is aunt Taravat , why didn't she send me email?
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mehdiii »

She has gone with the wind!
Next time you see Joe, the moderator, ask him this question and let us know too.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:31 pm She has gone with the wind!
Next time you see Joe, the moderator, ask him this question and let us know too.
what comes with the wind ,goes with the wind , easy come easy go
:-( :-(
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:31 pm She has gone with the wind!
Next time you see Joe, the moderator, ask him this question and let us know too.
howdy Mahdi ,it is the world of force , you heard what Trump said " We Should Milk Saudi Arabia As much As Possible"
and yesterday Macron, Merkel and Johnson blame Iran for Saudi oil attack, do they have any documents :lol: :lol: :lol:

but nations are different from government , Joe is a rational man , he certainly has seen a mistake , as I checked the Travat last post , she had sent a picture with Persian language for Imam hussian , and according to the rules we should write in English .

Hi Joe... it is better to give her a yellow card first , it is not fair to ban her to write for her tiny mistake . I know that these days you are not in good mood , we should not make a decision when we are angry. so please change your idea and give her a yellow card , let her to come back {-: {-: {-:
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mehdiii »

Lets start a campaign in favor of her and beg Joe a pardon on behalf of her...

Mr Joe, the merciful; hi
Please remove sanctions on Taravat and let her get back and catch up with her activity here.
Thank you very much beforehandedly.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:02 pm Mohsen
Lets start a campaign in favor of her and beg Joe a pardon on behalf of her...

Mr Joe, the merciful; hi
Please remove sanctions on Taravat and let her get back and catch up with her activity here.
Thank you very much beforehandedly.
agree :ok: , start the campaign , what can I do in this campaign , do you want to prepare a scroll , send it to English club court :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

I send Santa Claus as a mediator


Santa asked Joe to remove Taravat from block list
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Josef Essberger »

Hahaha I will look into it tomorrow

It may be T was blocked by accident
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Josef Essberger »

My mood is ok. Why you think otherwise?^

Anyway, don’t worry. T was not blocked for any reason. I will check tomorrow. Most likely reason is she shares an IP range with a spammer and that’s how she got blocked. I will fix tomorrow but please remind me if not. My mood is ok but my memory increasingly less ok haha :)
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mehdiii »

Awwww... Its kind of you MrJoe. I bet Taravat will become SO happy.
Thanks to Mohsen for all his efforts too. You are a well-rounded guy. The idea of doing a photoshop was so brilliant. Sounds like Mr Joe liked it.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Joe wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:31 pm Hahaha I will look into it tomorrow

It may be T was blocked by accident
accident caused by distracted driver ,and she blocked the road
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Joe wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:40 pm My mood is ok. Why you think otherwise?^

Anyway, don’t worry. T was not blocked for any reason. I will check tomorrow. Most likely reason is she shares an IP range with a spammer and that’s how she got blocked. I will fix tomorrow but please remind me if not. My mood is ok but my memory increasingly less ok haha :)
oh I forget that Theresa May has gone ,you are in good mood {-: {-: {-:

thank you that you remove the spammer from the road and let she continues her driving.
:geek: :geek: drivers should be cautious ,not hit by spammers

it is said that you can boost you mental power by eating of currants ,so eat currants as much as possible , and drink less alcohol , your memory will fixed soon :lol: :lol:
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Mehdiii wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:33 pm Awwww... Its kind of you MrJoe. I bet Taravat will become SO happy.
Thanks to Mohsen for all his efforts too. You are a well-rounded guy. The idea of doing a photoshop was so brilliant. Sounds like Mr Joe liked it.
it is not need to thank me , I help oppressed people , this is in my blood

this is my first time round that someone call me well- rounded , that is exaggeration

you see that Joe is rational man , that was T who caused an error in system , she will be fixed today. :lol: :lol: :lol:
dari vari migeh :lol: :lol: :lol:

why you said that the person in the picture is similar to Joe !!!!! , it is Joe himself , this photo was taken when he was in Montreal, If i remember it correctly :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Mohsen on Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Josef Essberger »

Toronto ;)
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Josef Essberger »

I have emailed Taravat to tell her she should be able to login now. If you have other ways to communicate, please let her know. Also, let me know if she still has trouble. But it SHOULD be ok now :ok:

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Post by Taravat »

After almost two weeks, I'm out of jail FINALLY. That's the spirit! Hurray!!! I was wondering why I was in jail all these days.
Mr. Joe, the great administrator ever, and I were sending several e-mails back and forth until I could log in. THANK YOU Mr Joe. You are so helpful. You are always available too. Do you ever sleep?

By the way, thanks to Mehdiii and our newcomer, Mohsen. He isn't a newcomer anymore though--Kinda like a guest who becomes the host quickly. I'm teasing. Welcome Mohsen. Tell more about yourself and let us know how you found this place?

Once more, thank you all... I'm proud to be here.


I have a lot to tell you, friends... Many new news. It's Friday though. Friday is the family day for me. I try to write something as soon as possible.
Keep writing here everybody.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by SitangCampus »

I think the three of you, Taravat, Mehdi, and Mohsen, are from the same very country, Iran, because there is no other place in the world known as Persia in the good old days, perhaps you three are relatives to each other or members of the same family living under the same roof, haha, the sitcom is quite fun, at least I like it.

Recently I heard the news that the US has made troubles with your dear land, and Iranian people are brave people in the region fearing nobody, the Islamic revolutionary guards are one of the best armed forces worldwide that can annilate any intruders. Peace is what we want but no war, so let us pray to have a peace time for ever.
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Taravat »

I'm done with cleaning the house, making lunch, and doing the laundry.
SitangCampus wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:59 am I think the three of you, Taravat, Mehdi, and Mohsen, are from the same very country, Iran, because there is no other place in the world known as Persia in the good old days, perhaps you three are relatives to each other or members of the same family living under the same roof, haha, the sitcom is quite fun, at least I like it.
Welcome StingCampus...How about this scenario? Taravat, Mehdiii, and Mohsen are a single identity.
I used a fake e-mail to make a fake account and log in here with a fake username. Mysterious, huh? Meanwhile, Mr. Joe already Knows my password too... Now, he can make entries in the place of mine too. We are all a group of rotating cannibals who try to show up in disguise.
I'm just being silly... Don't take me seriously.

SitangCampus wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:59 am Recently I heard the news that the US has made troubles with your dear land, and Iranian people are brave people in the region fearing nobody, the Islamic revolutionary guards are one of the best armed forces worldwide that can annilate any intruders. Peace is what we want but no war, so let us pray to have a peace time for ever.
This isn't a new scenario. We are under US sanctions for several years and still surviving. Iran is a powerful force not only in the region but also in the world. And Iranians are peaceful, kind, generous, hospitable, intelligent, strong, and etc.
Iran has many blessings. Its security and integrity are on top of the list. Sadly, some Iranians take these blessings for granted.

All humans across the world deserve peace. I wish worldwide peace as well.
It's lunchtime...What's on the menu? Ghorme sabzi... One of the most delicious and desired Persian cuisines.
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Re: I'm BACK!

Post by Mohsen »

Taravat wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:30 am After almost two weeks, I'm out of jail FINALLY. That's the spirit! Hurray!!! I was wondering why I was in jail all these days.
Mr. Joe, the great administrator ever, and I were sending several e-mails back and forth until I could log in. THANK YOU Mr Joe. You are so helpful. You are always available too. Do you ever sleep?

By the way, thanks to Mehdiii and our newcomer, Mohsen. He isn't a newcomer anymore though--Kinda like a guest who becomes the host quickly. I'm teasing. Welcome Mohsen. Tell more about yourself and let us know how you found this place?

Once more, thank you all... I'm proud to be here.


I have a lot to tell you, friends... Many new news. It's Friday though. Friday is the family day for me. I try to write something as soon as possible.
Keep writing here everybody.

Thanks God that you are out of jail now :-D :-D :-D

In fact Zorro can't bear that an innocent one cuaght in the Jail , so when a passerby told me about you I saddled the horse and rode to jail with all speed.

off course i can't ignore Sergeant Garcia ( Mehdi ) who helped me to run my plan for your freedom :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Mohsen »

Joe wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:17 amToronto ;)
Yes Toronto , I don't remember the name of that lady beside you
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Re: EnGlIsHlAnD.

Post by Josef Essberger »

Tara Benwell :)
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