Who knows about the 4 Holy Books?

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Who knows about the 4 Holy Books?

Post by Saifullah »

Tawrat (Torah): Prophet Moses (Musa)
Zabur (Psalms): Prophet David (Dawud)
Injil (Gospel): Prophet Jesus (Isa)
Quran: Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

These 4 Holy Books, the Torah, Zabur, Injil, and Quran, are all considered sacred texts by their respective religions and hold immense importance for believers. They are seen as divine revelations offering guidance, wisdom, and moral codes for living a righteous life. The Torah lays the foundation for Judaism, the Zabur expresses the poems and prayers of Prophet David, the Injil forms the core of Christian teachings, and the Quran is the ultimate revelation for Muslims, believed to be the direct word of God. These books provide a historical and spiritual framework for their followers, shaping their understanding of God, humanity, and the world around them.
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