photo Tara Benwell Listen to News with Tara Benwell - Instructions:
1. Preview the vocabulary and read the gapfill text.
2. Play the news report and try to fill in the blanks.
3. Answer the comprehension questions by writing full sentences.
4. Use the discussion question to write an essay or discuss the story with other students.
5. Click "show Answers" to see the full text.
6. Pretend to be a news anchor by reading each story out loud.

dateline: 27 December 2017

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Western Wall May Get “Trump” Train Station

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

  • transport minister: a government official in charge of decisions related to transportation
  • recognition: the action of stating that something is true
  • controversial: causing many to disagree or debate an issue
  • spark: to cause
  • the Western Wall: a holy site for Jews in Israel
  • opposition: the state or act of objecting to something

Western Wall May Get “Trump” Train Station

Israel’s transport minister is moving with plans to name a future train stop “Donald John Trump” station. The name would serve as a for the US president’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Trump’s controversial recognition this month sparked violence and anger from Palestinians and Muslims around the world and was condemned by the UN General Assembly. The new high-speed line, which would lead to the Western Wall, is also facing major opposition. Construction would involve parts of Jerusalem’s Old City that many people feel should remain untouched.

Comprehension Questions

  1. What does Israel’s transport minister want to name a new train station?
  2. Why does the minister want the station to have this name?
  3. Why is the new high-speed rail project controversial?

Discussion Questions

Do you think it is wise to name a train station after Donald Trump in Israel? Why or why not?

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Written and recorded by Tara Benwell for EnglishClub
Tara Benwell is a Canadian freelance writer and editor who specializes in materials and articles for the ELT industry.
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