7 Best TV Shows to Learn English

Andrijana Ikonic
Watching TV can be a fun, easy and effective way to learn English!

Are you looking for a fun and effective way to learn English?

You are lucky, because unlike in old times, nowadays there’s plenty of creative resources to help you out.

One of the best ways (and certainly my favorite one!) is to learn English by watching TV shows and sitcoms.

What do you get by watching TV shows in English?

Well, let’s start by the fact that you are more likely to hear how real conversations sound on television, than in grammar books.

There’s a bigger chance you’ll learn popular slang and idioms, but most importantly you will get your ear used to the way English is used in real life.

A lot of students have been in your shoes. So, without further ado, here are the TV shows that have proven to be very effective in the language learning process.

1 Friends

I have this amazing show to thank for my ability to joke around in English (which was not possible before, trust me). It is very hard to develop your personality in another language. But this show has more than enough characters for you to identify with. Are you Monica? Or rather, Joey? With this show, you will be prepared for all social activities in English.

2 Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is the type of show that will help you build a rich and high-quality vocabulary. I would probably recommend it to intermediate level students who want to up their English game. Very sophisticated sentence structures and unusual words make Game of Thrones stand out.

3 Grey’s Anatomy

Even if Grey’s Anatomy is happening in the hospital with a lot of medical terms, it is, above all, a show about life. It’s a drama, not a medical show. So you are guaranteed to learn a lot about life situations too, but more importantly, you will learn it in English. Very emotional dialogues and complex narratives will definitely enhance your speaking skills.

4 The Simpsons

The Simpsons is not your usual cartoon, but it is very enjoyable and helpful. Homer Simpson, one of the greatest television characters, will help you identify your English mistakes and avoid them moving forward. The show is created in a very witty way so that you learn a lot about American culture, not just their language. Every language student should watch at least one season of The Simpsons.

5 Modern Family

One of the greatest family shows ever! There’s a lot of different characters, so naturally, you will learn a lot of different idioms and expressions if you choose to improve your skills with Modern Family. Gloria, a Hispanic character, will give you the confidence you need to get out there and speak in English. She is an inspiration for her energy and constant efforts to be a good English speaker. If she can do it, you can do it!

6 How I Met Your Mother

Similarly to the show Friends, How I Met Your Mother teaches you about real life, about friends and relationships. It is also a must-watch show if you want to improve your daily conversations. Episodes are short and sweet. You will also laugh a lot. I would recommend you watch Friends first and save How I Met Your Mother for later, as a rebound show after you are done with watching Friends.

7 Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is for you if you prefer soap operas, constant drama, and mystery. It is a teen show, but adults are likely to enjoy it (I know I do). It is very easy to follow the shows without subtitles even if you don’t speak English that well. They speak nicely, and understandably so you will definitely enjoy the learning process while trying to solve the ‘Who is Gossip Girl’ mystery.

Final thoughts

Have you ever watched any of these shows?

I am sure you have watched at least one of the above. So why wouldn’t you watch these shows from another angle now?

Use your binge-watching superpowers to your advantage.

Soon enough, you will notice the improvement.

In the way you construct your sentences. In the way you think in English, not just translate from your native language.

Most importantly, you will feel more comfortable and free to talk with native speakers – and at that moment, you will know for sure that you are a fluent English speaker!

See also:
TV Series Vocabulary

Written by Andrijana Ikonic for EnglishClub.com
Andrijana is a language enthusiast and content manager at Justlearn. She speaks English, French and Serbian; and writes about the most effective language tips and tricks.
© EnglishClub.com


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