Free English Wall Posters


Are your classroom walls looking a little bare? EnglishClub’s NEW wall posters offer useful English vocabulary diagrams. These posters are FREE for anyone to download and print without modification. The following posters are now available.

  • Parts of the head
  • Parts of the body
  • Parts of a car
  • Parts of a car interior
  • Parts of an airplane

How to download and print the posters

Go to EnglishClub’s Downloads section, and decide which poster you want to print. Right click on any image and choose Save Image. You can save the image to your desktop or a folder, or print immediately. Print as A4 (or larger A3 if your printer accepts this paper size).

Where to place the posters

Place these posters around your classroom or school:

  • on a classroom wall
  • in a teachers’ staff room
  • in a hallway
  • in a student lounge or cafeteria
  • in a school office
  • in a school lobby
  • in a newsletter

You may also want to give this link to your students. Your students can print them at home and place them in their rooms, on a closet door, or on the fridge.


Free EnglishClub Stickers

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