Learn English Vocabulary with Eponyms

petri dishOur Vocabulary Reference sections features many different types of vocabulary lists. We have a NEW section on Eponyms.

An eponym is a word that comes from a person’s name, such as boycott (from a selfish land agent) or petri dish (named after a German bacteriologist). Here are a few more eponyms that you will find in this section: 

Are you a teacher? Here are some ideas for using our new Eponyms section in class:

Eponym of the day: There are about 50 eponyms in this list. Have one student present a new eponym every day.

Free time: If your students finish an assignment early, challenge them to check out this section on a tablet or class computer. Then quiz your students using the quizzes provided.

Research: Introduce your students to these eponyms. Then challenge them to learn another one on their own. Your students can write a summary about their new eponym using our model.

Biography: Each eponym has a brief origin about the person that the word was named after. Challenge your students to learn and share a bit more about a person/character from this list.

Presentation: Ask your students to prepare a presentation based on one of the eponyms provided.

Oral practice: Have your students record the text from one of entries in the list. Listen to the recording together and work on pronunciation and intonation.

Role play: Place students in pairs or small groups and have them act out the making of a historic eponym, such as sandwich or wellingtons.

Invent an eponym: Ask your students to come up with their own eponyms based on their own last names.  Now that’s a benwelldea!

Share your ideas and other eponyms in the comments below.

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