Cambridge day 1

Dear All,

It has been quite an experience since landing in England yesterday. I have had a day and half to make preparations for the next week as The Learning English Video Project continues in Cambridge. As you will have seen from previous posts, our objective here is to find out about homestay and to provide you with an insight as to what homestay is like in Cambridge and how it might benefit English language students. I am pleased to say that I am working with Bell International College, one of the biggest schools of it’s kind, and Homestay Consultancy in interviewing hosts, educators and students about their homestay experiences.

Today I met with two Bell homestay students, one from Venezuala and one from Belgium. They both had some very interesting things to say about homestay, making for a great start to the project here in Cambridge.

Keep checking the blog for more updates as I hope to write every day and to start including some pictures of Cambridge very soon! In the meantime, please see a couple of pictures from today’s escapades below.

Best wishes,


Bell Interview 01

 An interview at Bell International College

  Boats on the river

 Boats on the river 

8 Responses to “Cambridge day 1”

  1. Hameed says:

    I need english becuse when i know english i can go to university

  2. kashif sanaUllah sandhu says:

    i want to learn english because i want to be a good english speaker,it will help me to understand the university lectures in a good way.

  3. roonacy says:

    as far as i know
    if someone want to learn english must be in environment talking like native speaker
    i think u must travel to UK or USA .

  4. Khai Nguyen says:

    Roonacy gave a good idea but I think not everybody has a change or ability to travel UK or USA.

  5. mae regala says:

    well try to speak english everyday even f your at home, youll see the fruit of your labor if your going to use english language.Its nice to see the view of cambridge,Daniel

  6. Abu ali says:

    anyway, its second languege
    take it easy to learn fast guys thats essential

  7. ERNA E ADRIL says:


    I like all the photos. They are interested. I give comments here to improve my English because as a teacher I need the improvement. And I want tovisit Cambridge some days and I can get a job there, but I don’t know how..

  8. ERNA E ADRIL says:

    I think as a teacher Development of English competence is very important, so I want to continue my study abroad or take a short course in order to learn real English. In this forum I ask for your hep..who can help me to find the solution to get a scholarship to study abroad ? Thanks a lot