Cambridge day 7

Snow!! Not something one tends to see particularly often in England, but as I walked into the centre of Cambridge this morning I was pelted with it from all fronts. I took a few final shots of Cambridge today before heading to my final homestay host in order to conduct the last interviews of the trip.

I must say that I am exceptionally pleased with the footage I have acquired here so far; I have met an array of hosts and students that have allowed me to ask all sorts of weird and wonderful questions for the purposes of The Learning English Video Project. Today’s interviewees however, were exceptional. Even though the student had really only been in the house for one day, she allowed me to interview her about her experiences and expectations for a good twenty minutes! I found out some fascinating facts about homestay in Cambridge and would personally like to thank today’s interviewees for their participation.

It has been a great experience in Cambridge and I am sure that it will make for a thoroughly interesting episode to this seven-part series.

Best wishes,


Cambridge in the Snow 01

Cambridge in the Snow 02

Cambridge in the Snow 03

10 Responses to “Cambridge day 7”

  1. selma says:

    These writing series which I have been realizing for a while,help for my reading due to being too good stories.
    Thank you,

  2. roonacy says:

    i want to tell u something
    yes u travelled to UK– but u r not alone — everyone who read this story sure he will feel in UK — i have enjoyed with u — nice picture —
    alos i have learn new vocabulary —
    go ahead
    thx very much

  3. Katria says:

    daniel! it is a good story and nice pictures. your feeling make me to desire to go to England immediately. thanks for your share

  4. Joao Correa says:

    Hi Daniel, thanks for these terrific videos .. I’m from Brazil and expecting to see the final result about my country’s video ..
    I’ve seen Spain’s video right now and please, please, tell me about that amazing music .. I read the final credits, Tom Carr ? but I couldn’t find anything about him in the web .. thanks in advance, and congratulations for your job !!

  5. m.massoud says:

    Please can you help me to learn nglish
    by shareware

    thanks a lot

  6. TESOL Course says:

    Great story and pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  7. suhani says:

    i just only want to say dat nice pics buddy…
    i wish i could go there….thnx dear n all d best….

  8. Philip says:

    interesting project – kind of curious how it is being financed if the videos are all free?



  9. Abdul says:

    Great job. U help us in learning n teaching english. Go on …

  10. Asif Azeri says:

    Hi,Dear Daniel and everybody.
    I wont to learn English perfectly.Can You hep Me.
    Thanks a lot.