This Week in HistoryThis Week in History: Week 34 (21 August 1968)

Soviet-led Forces Invade Czechoslovakia

Soviet-led forces invade Czechoslovakia to halt pro-democracy reforms.

In 1968, Soviet-led forces invaded Czechoslovakia after the country's communist government, led by Prime Minister Alexander Dubcek, began a series of democratic reforms. Protests against the invasion followed, during which dozens of people were killed and hundreds more injured. After the invasion, Dubcek's government was replaced by a repressive, Soviet-backed regime and Dubcek's democratic reforms were halted.

invade (verb): enter an area by force with the goal of taking it over
democratic (adjective): following the principal where the government represents the people
reform (noun): change (something, often social or political) in order to improve
repressive (adjective): inhibiting or restraining people's freedom
Soviet-backed (adjective): supported by the Soviet Union
regime (noun): a government (esp. an autocratic or repressive one)

Mini Quiz

1. Czechoslovakia's democratic reforms had been introduced by
a) Soviet-led forces
b) the communist government
c) pro-democracy protesters

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2. Soviet-led forces invaded Czechoslovakia in order to
a) halt the reforms
b) support the reforms
c) support the government

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3. A repressive government is one that is likely to
a) guarantee press and media freedom
b) allow anti-government protests
c) suppress pro-democracy movements

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Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.