This Week in HistoryThis Week in History: Week 09 (1 March 1954)

USA Tests Its Biggest Nuclear Weapon

The USA explodes a huge hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.

In 1954, the USA tested a massive hydrogen bomb nicknamed "Bravo" at Bikini Atoll, part of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The bomb was nearly 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs the USA dropped on two Japanese cities during World War 2. Three weeks after the test, it was revealed that a Japanese fishing boat was within 80 miles (129 km) of the test-zone during the explosion and that its 23 crew members were seriously affected by radiation sickness. They were among 264 people accidentally exposed to the bomb's radioactive fallout.

nuclear weapon (noun): bomb that uses atomic energy to cause massive destruction
hydrogen bomb (noun): a type of nuclear weapon
nickname (verb): call by a name that is different to one's real name
expose (verb): leave open to harm
radioactive fallout (adjective): dangerous particles in the air after a nuclear explosion

Transcript: "This photograph was taken from an airplane at 50 miles. The width of the fireball at this time, about 3 seconds after detonation, was 4 miles. The frame size of the picture is 6 by 8 miles. The top of the fireball at this time, 40 seconds after detonation, was 5 miles above sea level. Proof that we can have a high-yield weapon weighing less than ten tons."

Mini Quiz

1. The hydrogen bomb nicknamed "Bravo" was tested
a) before World War 2
b) during World War 2
c) after World War 2

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2. The test is known to have caused radiation sickness in
a) 2 Japanese cities
b) 23 Japanese people
c) 264 exposed people

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3. How often can people be safely exposed to radioactive fallout from a nuclear explosion?
a) once a month
b) once a year
c) never

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Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.