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Listen&Learn: How 3D Printers Work

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
Learn how these machines can create 3D objects with instructions from a computer.

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • computer-generated: something made using a computer program
  • nozzle: a spout that liquid can flow through
  • solidify: to become solid
  • prosthetic: an artificial limb or other body part
  • manufacturing: the production of goods

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

A 3D printer is a device that is used to objects from computer-generated models. 3D printers may seem like complex machines, but they are actually very to regular printers. A normal printer uses nozzles filled with ink to print words on paper. A standard 3D printer uses nozzles containing liquid polymer, a waxy substance that solidifies quickly. The machine receives instructions from a , and the nozzles follow these instructions. They print the by building up thin layers of polymer from the bottom to the top. Although the average person might use a 3D printer to make something fun like a toy or figurine, this technology also has a lot of practical uses – especially in the medical field. Scientists have used 3D printers to make prosthetics for injured and disabled patients. This is important because 3D printing can often be much than other types of manufacturing.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. As 3D printers become easier for people to access, they also become more dangerous. Many people have used 3D printers to make guns, knives, and other weapons. Should 3D printing be regulated to keep everyone safe? If so, what would be the best way to do this?


A 3D printer is a device that is used to create objects from computer-generated models. 3D printers may seem like complex machines, but they are actually very similar to regular printers. A normal printer uses nozzles filled with ink to print words on paper. A standard 3D printer uses nozzles containing liquid polymer, a waxy substance that solidifies quickly. The machine receives instructions from a computer, and the nozzles follow these instructions. They print the object by building up thin layers of polymer from the bottom to the top. Although the average person might use a 3D printer to make something fun like a toy or figurine, this technology also has a lot of practical uses – especially in the medical field. Scientists have used 3D printers to make prosthetics for injured and disabled patients. This is important because 3D printing can often be much cheaper than other types of manufacturing.

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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