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Listen&Learn: Bioluminescence

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
Learn about creatures that can produce light.

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • phenomenon: something that happens naturally
  • organism: a living being
  • marine: relating to the ocean
  • predator: an animal that hunts other animals
  • attract: to draw someone’s attention
  • navigate: to find a way around an area

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Bioluminescence is a phenomenon that creates displays of in nature. It can often be seen in . This light is actually created by organisms in the . Certain marine animals have a chemical in their bodies called luciferin, which reacts with oxygen and produces light. Some organisms use bioluminescence to scare away predators, while others use it to attract mates. Bioluminescence is especially common in water, because it allows organisms to navigate and in the dark. However, marine animals are not the only organisms that can produce light. Fireflies are bioluminescent insects that can be found on almost every continent.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Have you ever seen bioluminescent creatures in real life?


Bioluminescence is a phenomenon that creates displays of light in nature. It can often be seen in oceans. This light is actually created by organisms in the environment. Certain marine animals have a chemical in their bodies called luciferin, which reacts with oxygen and produces light. Some organisms use bioluminescence to scare away predators, while others use it to attract mates. Bioluminescence is especially common in deep water, because it allows organisms to navigate and communicate in the dark. However, marine animals are not the only organisms that can produce light. Fireflies are bioluminescent insects that can be found on almost every continent.

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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