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Listen&Learn: The Renaissance

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
A revolutionary time in history for art, science, inventions, and ideas.

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • humanism: a movement during the Renaissance that focused on human happiness and success
  • emerge: to develop and become well-known
  • philosophy: the study of existence, thought, and reality
  • contrast: a noticeable difference between two things
  • Middle Ages: the time period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance
  • influential: able to affect something in a major way

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

The Renaissance was a period of change in Europe. The term ‘renaissance’ is a French word, meaning ‘rebirth’. The Renaissance began in Italy in the 14th century, when a movement called humanism became very popular. Humanism emerged after 14th-century Europeans began to ancient Greek philosophy. The main ideas of humanism were that humans deserved to pursue wealth and happiness, and that science, literature, and the arts were essential to human life. This was a contrast to the Middle Ages, when was often considered the most important part of life. Humanism encouraged many people to study and create art. One of the most well-known artists of this period was Italian Leonardo Da Vinci, the creator of the Mona Lisa. Although the Renaissance ended around the 17th century, the and discoveries from back then are still influential in many cultures today.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. How has the Renaissance affected art, science, culture, and politics today?
  2. What do you think was the most important invention from the Renaissance period?


The Renaissance was a period of cultural change in Europe. The term ‘renaissance’ is a French word, meaning ‘rebirth’. The Renaissance began in Italy in the 14th century, when a movement called humanism became very popular. Humanism emerged after 14th-century Europeans began to rediscover ancient Greek philosophy. The main ideas of humanism were that humans deserved to pursue wealth and happiness, and that science, literature, and the arts were essential to human life. This was a contrast to the Middle Ages, when religion was often considered the most important part of life. Humanism encouraged many people to study and create art. One of the most well-known artists of this period was Italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci, the creator of the Mona Lisa. Although the Renaissance ended around the 17th century, the ideas and discoveries from back then are still influential in many cultures today.

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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