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Listen&Learn: The Egyptian Pyramids

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
Learn about Egypt’s massive ancient tombs.

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • attraction: something that makes people want to visit a location
  • tomb: a structure where a dead person is buried
  • customary: normal, traditional
  • mummify: to preserve a dead body by wrapping it up
  • possessions: things that a person owns
  • rob: to steal something from a place

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

The Egyptian pyramids are some of the most structures in the world. Although they are popular tourist attractions today, the pyramids were originally built as tombs for ancient Egyptian . At the time, it was customary to mummify dead rulers and bury them with their possessions. However, many pyramids have been robbed throughout , and most are empty today. The first known pyramid was built around 2600 B.C, for a king named Djoser. The largest and most Egyptian pyramids – the Great Pyramids of Giza – were built between 2500 and 2400 B.C, and there is still a lot of mystery surrounding their construction. It would have been very difficult to build such massive structures without modern . Historians believe that at least 20,000 workers were needed to complete the Great Pyramids.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Why do you think it was so important to ancient Egyptians to honour their dead rulers? How is this different from the ways people acknowledge death today?


The Egyptian pyramids are some of the most fascinating structures in the world. Although they are popular tourist attractions today, the pyramids were originally built as tombs for ancient Egyptian kings. At the time, it was customary to mummify dead rulers and bury them with their possessions. However, many pyramids have been robbed throughout history, and most are empty today. The first known pyramid was built around 2600 B.C, for a king named Djoser. The largest and most famous Egyptian pyramids – the Great Pyramids of Giza – were built between 2500 and 2400 B.C, and there is still a lot of mystery surrounding their construction. It would have been very difficult to build such massive structures without modern technology. Historians believe that at least 20,000 workers were needed to complete the Great Pyramids.

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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