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Listen&Learn: Charles Darwin

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
Learn about the scientist who formed the theory of evolution.

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • naturalist: someone who studies natural history
  • evolution: a theory that states that species change over time in order to survive
  • origin: where something came from
  • organism: a living being
  • unpopular: disliked by the public

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist. He is known for forming the theory of evolution, a explanation for the origin of on Earth. Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. In 1831, he got a on a ship called the HMS Beagle, which was taking a five-year trip around the world. Darwin got to visit many and study different plants and animals. He started to form his theory while studying birds on the Galápagos Islands. In 1859, he published a book called On the Origin of Species, which stated that all life on Earth may have from one organism. This theory was unpopular at the time, because society was very religious. However, over time, more people started to accept Darwin’s ideas. Darwin died in 1882, at age 73.

Comprehension questions

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Discussion/essay questions

  1. Why do you think so many religious people rejected the theory of evolution? Is it possible to believe in both religion and evolution?


Charles Darwin was an English naturalist. He is known for forming the theory of evolution, a scientific explanation for the origin of life on Earth. Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. In 1831, he got a job on a ship called the HMS Beagle, which was taking a five-year trip around the world. Darwin got to visit many countries and study different plants and animals. He started to form his theory while studying birds on the Galápagos Islands. In 1859, he published a book called On the Origin of Species, which stated that all life on Earth may have evolved from one organism. This theory was unpopular at the time, because society was very religious. However, over time, more people started to accept Darwin’s ideas. Darwin died in 1882, at age 73. 

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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