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Listen&Learn: Joan of Arc

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock
Learn about the young girl who led the French army in battle.

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • peasant: a historical term for a poor farmer living under feudalism
  • conflict: a struggle between two sides
  • vision: a dream or mental image
  • persuade: to convince someone to do something
  • accompany: to go somewhere with someone
  • witchcraft: the practice of magic, especially in a way that is considered evil or dangerous

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Joan of Arc was a French military . She was born in 1412 and grew up as a peasant during the Hundred Years’ War, a conflict between France and England. When she was 13 years old, Joan began to have visions of figures. She eventually came to believe that God had given her a mission to save France. At age 17, Joan persuaded the to let her accompany the French army into Orleans, where the English had invaded. The mission , but Joan was captured soon after. She faced trial for witchcraft and was burned at the stake. 25 years after her death, Joan of Arc was declared . The Catholic church recognized her as a saint in 1920.

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. Joan of Arc grew up during a war between France and
    a. England
    b. Germany
    c. Spain
  2. Joan started having visions when she was
    a. 12
    b. 13
    c. 17
  3. She was put on trial for
    a. spying
    b. witchcraft
    c. war crimes

Discussion/essay questions

  1. It is uncertain how much of Joan of Arc’s story is true. There are many common myths about Joan and her life. Have you heard the story before? What do you believe?


Joan of Arc was a French military leader. She was born in 1412 and grew up as a peasant during the Hundred Years’ War, a conflict between France and England. When she was 13 years old, Joan began to have visions of religious figures. She eventually came to believe that God had given her a mission to save France. At age 17, Joan persuaded the king to let her accompany the French army into Orléans, where the English had invaded. The mission succeeded, but Joan was captured soon after. She faced trial for witchcraft and was burned at the stake. 25 years after her death, Joan of Arc was declared innocent. The Catholic church recognized her as a saint in 1920.

Answers to comprehension questions

1a 2b 3b

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

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