Abbreviations with multiple meanings

IMHO, omg, PM, TBA, w/o, WA...

Common acronyms, initialisms and other short forms that share the same spelling and pronunciation, and so could cause confusion.

  • A – answer/ absent/ Ampere/ Argon
  • AA – Alcoholics Anonymous/ Automobile Association
  • ABC – Australian Broadcasting Corporation/ American Broadcasting Company/ airway breathing circulation
  • AC/ A/C – alternating current/ air conditioning
  • adv/ Adv – adverb/ advanced
  • Al/ AL – aluminium/ Alabama
  • AM/ AM (radio) – antemeridian (= in the morning)/ amplitude modulation (radio frequency)
  • Amp/ amp – Ampere/ amplifier
  • AR – augmented reality/ Arkansas
  • ASL – American Sign Language/ age sex location
  • ATB – all terrain bike (= mountain bike)/ All the best (email sign off)
  • auto/ auto (parts)– automatic/ automobile
  • AV – audio-visual/ adult video/ autonomous vehicle
  • BC – before Christ/ British Columbia
  • bike – bicycle/ motorbike
  • bio – biography/ biological
  • bull – bull's-eye/ bulls**t
  • c/ C – cent/ century
  • Ca/ CA/ ca – calcium/ California/ circa (meaning “about”)
  • (dash)cam/ CAM – (video) camera/ computer-aided manufacturing/ complementary and alternative medicine
  • cat/ Cat – catalytic convertor/ Catherine
  • cc/ CC – cubic centimetres/ carbon copy (email)
  • cert/ (dead) cert – certificate/ certainty
  • CIO – chief information officer/ chief investment officer
  • CO – carbon monoxide/ commissioning officer
  • co/ CO – company/ Colorado
  • coke – Coca Cola/ cocaine
  • comp – compilation/ comprehensive (school)
  • con/ Con. – convict/ confidence trick/ Conservative (Party)
  • cos – because/ cosine
  • CRT – cathode ray tube/ critical race theory/ cardiac resynchronisation therapy
  • CT (scan)/ CT – computed tomography/ Connecticut
  • d/ D – deci-/ diameter/ Democrat
  • DC – direct current/ (Washington) District of Columbia
  • deb – debutante/ Deborah
  • (high) def/ def./ def(o) – definition/ defender/ definitely
  • DJ – disc jockey/ disk jockey
  • DMs – direct messages/ Doctor Martens
  • doc/ doc(s) – document/ documentary/ doctor/ Dr Martens
  • DVD – digital video disc/ digital versatile disc
  • E/ e- – East/ ecstasy/ energy/ electronic-
  • Ed./ (adult/ special/ co-)ed/ Ed – edition/ education/ Edward
  • EFL – English Football League/ English as a foreign language
  • esp./ ESP – especially/ extra-sensory perception/ English for Specific Purposes/ English for Special Purposes
  • est./ EST – estimated/ established/ Eastern Standard Time
  • estate – council estate/ estate car
  • ET – extra terrestrial/ Eastern Time
  • ex/ Ex.(1) – ex-wife/ ex-husband/ ex-boyfriend/ ex-girlfriend/ example (one)/ exercise (one)
  • ext. – extension/ exterior/ external/ extract
  • F/ (3)F – (degrees) Fahrenheit/ false/ female/ Fluorine/ (third) floor
  • FA/ (sweet) FA – Football Association/ f*** all
  • FE (college)/ Fe – further education (college)/ iron
  • FT/ ft – full time/ Financial Times/ foot/ feet
  • FX/ (S)FX – foreign exchange/ (special) effects
  • FY – financial year/ fiscal year
  • g/ G – gram/ ground floor/ grand (= thousand)
  • GA – general average/ Georgia
  • GM – general manager/ General Motors
  • GP – general practitioner (= family doctor)/ (Formula 1) grand prix
  • H – heroin/ hydrogen
  • HMP – Her Majesty’s Prison/ His Majesty’s Prison (used in prison names)
  • HMS – Her Majesty’s Ship/ His Majesty’s Ship (used in ship names)
  • hockey – field hockey/ ice hockey
  • hon/ hon./ Hon. – honey/ honorary/ honourable
  • hood – hoodlum/ neighbourhood
  • HRH – Her Royal Highness/ His Royal Highness
  • ID – identification/ Idaho
  • IMHO – in my honest opinion/ in my humble opinion
  • imp. – imperial/ imperative/ imperfect
  • inc. – incorporated/ including
  • in/ IN – inch/ Indiana
  • inf. – infinitive/ informal
  • IP – intellectual property/ internet protocol
  • IPA – India Pale Ale/ international phonetic alphabet
  • K – kilobyte/ thousand (dollars)/ kilometre
  • kit/ Kit – drum kit/ sports kit/ Christopher/ Catherine
  • KL – Kuala Lumpur/ cool
  • kW/ KW – kilowatts/ Kuwait
  • L – litre/ left/ large
  • LA – Los Angeles/ Louisiana
  • Lib/ (women’s) lib – Liberal (Party)/ liberation
  • M/ M(1) – million/ medium/ motorway
  • MA – Master of Arts/ Massachusetts
  • Mac – (Apple) Macintosh (computer)/ Mackintosh (raincoat)
  • mason – freemason/ stonemason
  • MD – managing director/ medical doctor/ Maryland
  • med(s)/ (pre-)med – medicine/ medical
  • mg/ MG – milligram/ Morris Garages (sports car company)
  • mi/ MI – mile/ Michigan
  • mike (or mic)/ Mike – microphone/ Michael
  • mil – millimetres/ million (dollars/ pounds)
  • min – minimum/ minute(s)
  • MN/ Mn – Minnesota/ manganese
  • mm/ MM – millimetre(s)/ (two or more) million/ month (written as two digits)
  • MO/ Mo – modus operandi/ Missouri/ molybdenum
  • MP – member of parliament/ military police (officer)
  • MS – multiple sclerosis/ Microsoft/ Mississippi
  • Mt/ MT – mount/ Montana
  • MW – megawatts/ medium wave
  • N/ n – North/ nitrogen/ newton/ nano-/ noun
  • N/A – not applicable/ not available
  • NE/ Ne – Northeast/ Nebraska/ neon
  • nm/ NM – nanometre/ New Mexico
  • ng/ NG – nanogram/ not given (in the IELTS exam)/ no good (in electronics)
  • NI – Northern Ireland/ national insurance
  • omg – oh my goodness/ oh my god
  • op/ OP – operation/ original poster
  • OR – Oregon/ operating room
  • OT – overtime/ occupational therapist
  • p – page/ penny or pence (one hundredth of a pound, like cents are for dollars)
  • PA – public address (system)/ personal assistant/ per annum (= per year)/ Pennsylvania
  • para – paragraph/ paratrooper
  • Pat – Patrick/ Patricia
  • PC – personal computer/ politically correct (language/ expression)/ police constable
  • PD – private detective/ professional development
  • PE/ P/E – physical education/ price/earnings
  • pen./ pen – penalty (goal)/ penitentiary
  • PM – prime minister/ post meridian (= in the afternoon)
  • PO – post office/ purchase order
  • pol/ POL – politician/ Poland
  • pop/ pop. – popular music/ population
  • pp/ PP – per pro (meaning “on behalf of”, used in emails)/ pages (repeated letter to mean plural, from Latin)/ past participle
  • PPP – public private partnership/ presentation practice production
  • PR – public relations/ proportional representation/ Puerto Rico
  • prep – preparation/ preposition
  • PS/ PS(5) – post scriptum (meaning “by the way” at the end of emails)/ PlayStation (5)
  • PT/ pt – part time/ physical training/ point(s)/ pint(s)
  • QE/ QE(II) – quantitative easing/ Queen Elizabeth
  • R/ r – registered trademark/ Republican/ reigned (from… to…)/ radius
  • RA/ Ra – (member of the) Royal Academy/ research assistant/ radium
  • re:/ RE – regarding (meaning “concerning”/ “about” in emails)/ religious education
  • ref/ (my/ our/ your) ref – referee/ (my/ our/ your) reference
  • rep/ (sales) rep – repetition/ reputation/ (sales) representative
  • rev/ Rev- revolution/ reverend
  • RI – religious instruction/ Rhode Island
  • ROM/ Rom – read only memory/ Romania
  • S – South/ small
  • SAM/ Sam – surface to air missile/ Samuel/ Samantha
  • Sat/ sat (nav)/ SAT – Saturday/ satellite navigation/ standard assessment test
  • sec.(1)/ SEC – section (1)/ Securities and Exchange Commission/ section
  • semi – semi-final/ semi-detached house
  • sim/ SIM (card) – simulation/ subscriber identity module
  • SD (card)/ SD – Secure Digital (memory card)/ South Dakota
  • specs – specifications/ spectacles (= glasses)
  • St – street/ saint
  • STD/ std – sexually transmitted disease/ standard
  • sub – substitute (player/ teacher)/ subway (sandwich)/ substitute/ submissive
  • SW – Southwest/ shortwave
  • t/ T – ton/ true/ T-shirt
  • tape – Scotch tape/ Sellotape/ sticky tape/ cassette tape
  • TBA – to be arranged/ to be announced
  • temp – temporary (staff/ worker)/ temperature
  • trans – transgender/ transsexual/ translation
  • TTT – test teach test/ teacher talking time
  • U – you/ unit/ university/ uranium/ upper class
  • V/ v – voltage/ versus/ verb
  • VA – various artists/ Virginia
  • val/ Val – value/ Valerie
  • VC – venture capital/ Victoria Cross
  • VE (Day)/ ’ve – Victory in Europe/ have
  • vet – veterinarian (= animal doctor)/ (war/ Vietnam) veteran
  • VJ/ VJ (Day) – video jockey/ Victory against Japan (Day)
  • W/ w – West/ Watt(s)/ with
  • w/o – without/ word order
  • WA – Western Australia/ Washington
  • WI – Women's Institute/ Wisconsin
  • WY – Wyoming/ Would you?
  • yr – your/ year

Reference and further resources

Written for EnglishClub by Alex Case