7 Deadly Sins

Are you a miserable sinner? If you're not, you must be pretty exceptional -- a saint maybe, or perhaps an angel in disguise. The rest of us go about our daily lives committing sins left, right and centre. But be careful, because seven of them are deadly, and lead to eternal damnation in Hell.

Here they are, the famous Seven Deadly Sins:

A too great belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with one's recognition of the grace of God. It is sometimes called the sin that causes all other sins. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Discontent and a desire for another person's possessions, qualities or luck.

An excessive and habitual desire to eat more than one needs.

An excessive sexual desire.

A strong feeling of displeasure or hostility, a kind of fury. Anger is also known as Wrath.

A strong desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring spiritual things. Covetousness is also known as Greed.

A reluctance to do physical or spiritual work, a very great laziness.

left, right and centre (expression): everywhere; in a lot of places
damnation (noun): eternal punishment in Hell
eternal (adjective): existing forever, for all time
Hell (noun): a place where sinners are punished after death :-(
sin (noun): an act considered to be against divine or spiritual law

Contributor: Josef Essberger